
Applications and Hardware for Photonic Quantum Information Processing

Funded under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions programme, the “AppQInfo” project No. 956071 will train early-stage researchers in state-of-the-art integrated quantum photonics, one of five critical key enabling technologies for Europe. Using photonic integrated circuits to control photonic quantum states, integrated photonics allows the generation, manipulation and readout of photonic quantum states in a highly controlled manner. It dramatically increases computation speed and efficiency compared to electronics circuits. Young researchers will work on 15 interdisciplinary projects that will focus on developing feasible long-distance quantum communications from urban-scale networks to satellite-based systems; studying quantum transport properties and quantum Fourier transforms in photonic circuits; building all-optical artificial neural networks and applying them for quantum simulations; and developing sources and detectors of multiphoton quantum states and polaritonic logic gates.


Latest News

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The Skłodowska Quantum Conference (QURIE) will gather leading experts in quantum science, focusing on...
ESRs at the Conference in Oxford
The Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) at the AppQInfo Conference, held from April 17-19, 2024, at the University...
AppQInfo ESRs spotted at IBM, Zurich
November was a great month for our Early-Stage Researchers who met at IBM in Zurich for the Complementary...
The Padova Quantum Communications School (QCOMMS) 2023
We are glad to announce that registration to the Padova Quantum Communications School (QCOMMS) 2023 is...
Our excellent Early-Stage Researchers
Please meet our excellent Early-Stage Researchers who joined the project and will work together on Photonic...
Please follow our Twitter account!
Please feel invited to the Twitter account of the AppQInfo project! For the latest updates, job vacancies...

These are great opportunities to catch up, discuss physics and most importantly, to network, which is an essential part of any ITN initiative. 

Gabriele Bressanini 

Imperial College London

The school seems nice and I got excited about some of the topics. – Vienna 2023

Morteza Moradi​​

University of Warsaw​​

Both the Kick-off meeting and Vienna summer school were great events to connect with all the fellow ITN students and build a great cohort.

Jernej Frank

University of Oxford

In my opinion, having not just professional but also a personal relationship with my fellow ESRs is very important in creating a network that can last longer than three years period of the project.

Lennart Jehle

University of Vienna

Early-Stage Researchers

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