
15 PhD vacancies are available for highly motivated Early Stage Researcher (ESR) positions as part of the new H2020, EU-funded, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network “AppQInfo” on “Applications and Hardware for Photonic Quantum Information Processing”.

AppQInfo will provide a world class training in photonic Quantum Information Processing (pQIP), and prepare an excellent cohort of Early Stage Researchers to become the future R&D staff of Europe’s emerging markets in this area.

Quantum Information Processing (QIP) is a key ingredient in Europe’s future Quantum Communication Infrastructure; it underpins quantum communications and quantum simulations, the first two pillars of the H2020 Quantum Flagship. QIP will revolutionise information technology, providing higher quality, speed and unconditional security, not possible with classical technologies. AppQInfo focusses on QIP in state-of-the-art integrated photonics, one of five Key Enabling Technologies for European Industry. Integrated photonics permits the creation, manipulation and readout of photonic quantum states in a highly controlled manner, with high speeds and low losses.

The broad objectives of AppQInfo are: To create an excellent training of ESRs in the field of pQIP that is both interdisciplinary and intersectoral; To develop innovative, entrepreneurial ESRs with great career prospects; To maximise the exploitation and dissemination of our research; To engage the public through several outreach activities; To consolidate a wide expertise in the field of pQIP; To create a long-lasting collaboration network of top-class research units and industrial entities.

Together, our 15 interdisciplinary research projects will: Work towards feasible long-distance quantum communications from urban-scale networks to satellite-based systems using various data encoding; Study quantum photonic circuits towards their quantum transport properties and quantum transforms they implement; Exploit these platforms for machine learning applications, such as building all-optical artificial neural networks, and applying them for quantum simulations; Develop enabling technologies of sources and detectors of multiphoton quantum states and polaritonic logic gates.

The project consortium embraces 15 excellent European institutions. The beneficiaries are: the University of Warsaw (Poland, the coordinator), University of Vienna (Austria), University of Padova (Italy), University of Oxford (UK), Imperial College London (UK), Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), Sorbonne Université (France), IBM Research (Switzerland), ID Quantique (Switzerland). They are accompanied by the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo (Canada), University of Paderborn (Germany), University of Geneva (Switzerland), NTT Basic Research Labs (Japan), Single Quantum (Netherlands), and Quandela (France).

An ideal candidate should possess a MSc (or equivalent) degree in physics, should be ambitious and hard-working with high motivation for scientific work and strong will for self-development. We expect a good practical knowledge of English (B or C level preferred) and ability to travel within the EU and worldwide.

We offer:

  • a comprehensive, interactive and international training programme covering innovative and state-of-the-art approaches to the field of Photonic Quantum Information Processing.
  • a series of research-specific, complementary and soft skills, that involve both the academic and industry sectors and are tailor-made to prepare young researchers for their future careers.
  • a competitive salary, which is adjusted for their host country.
  • a mobility allowance and a family allowance (where applicable) as part of the employment package.

Eligibility criteria:

  • the applicants can be of any nationality.
  • they should be within four years of the diploma granting them access to doctorate studies at the time of recruitment,
  • the applicant must not have resided for more than 12 months prior to the singing their contract in the country of the host institute.
  • Applicants should be proficient in written and spoken English.

Application procedure:

In order to apply for the position, please contact the PI of one of the projects. Please provide the following documents: a copy of the diploma, a recommendation letter from the last supervisor (recommendation letters from other senior scientists are welcome), a scientific curriculum vitae describing education, employment history, previous participation in research projects, collaborations, internships, stipends, conferences, other achievements as well as scientific interests, a list of publications, a motivational letter stating why the candidate is willing to participate in this research project and, optionally, a copy of a document certifying candidate’s knowledge of English.

The recruitment will be carried out by a commission formed from senior scientists.

If you are interested, feel free to contact us

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