Lorenzo Stasi
ID Quantique
Antoine Restivo (Belgium) graduated from the University of Geneva, Faculty of Science, Department of Applied Physics in 2021.
Lorenzo started university studies in 2015 at Politecnico di Milano achieving his Bachelor of Science (BSc) “Ingegneria dei materiali e delle nanotecnologie” in 2018. He completed his education in 2020 with the Master of Science (MSc) “Material’s Engineering and Nanotechnology”. During his years in the university, he gained strong knowledge of material science, from a macroscopic scale down to the electron-lattice ions interaction. Focus was also put on the electron-transport phenomena in different materials and nanostructures.
Lorenzo Stasi, Italian, Politecnico di Milano in 2015.
Specialization is in Material Engineering and Nanotechnology. Main interest lies in the area of Quantum Optics and Nanotechnology.
Lorenzo Stasi conducted thesis “Development of Ta-TiO2 plasmonic multilayer metamaterials” under the supervision of Andrea Li Bassi.
Researchers interests: Quantum optical phenomena, nanotechnology and nanodevices.
Scientific achievements: Optical and electronic properties of transparent conducting Ta:TiO 2 thin and ultra-thin films: the effect of doping and thickness – Materials Advances (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D1MA00584G
Lorenzo played basketball since he was 6 and he became a coach at the age of 20. He loves cinema, rock music and travelling in wild naturalistic places.
Currently, Lorenzo Stasi is working on the AppQInfo project Advanced PNR superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors towards possible application in LOQC, as a member of ID Quantique under the supervision of Félix Bussières. Lorenzo is collaborating strongly with the group of Applied Physics at the University of Geneva, supervised by Professors Hugo Zbinden, where he is enrolled in a PhD program.
Lorenzo Stasi moved from Milan, Italy to Geneva, Switzerland.
Lorenzo Stasi contact details: lorenzo.stasi@idquantique.com / lorenzo.stasi@etu.unige.com , ID Quantique SA / University of Geneva.
During his master he could work on various topics such as quantum interference fluctuations in disordered metals, gravitational waves and the Jacobson’s interpretation of general relativity before specializing in the field of quantum information theory.
In parallel of his master thesis about correlations in networks, he developed open source tools in MATLAB associated to the visualization of the solutions of linear programs and a Python package to solve marginal compatibility problems as SAT problems. With his more recent interest for complexity theory, he is also developing tools based on both classical and quantum algorithms for the computation of the permanent of a matrix and more generally a Julia library for the study of boson sampling.
Aside from quantum physics (but still related to optics), his main hobby is photography.
Currently, Antoine Restivo is working on the AppQInfo project Active and Passive Multimode Quantum Interferometry towards a better understanding of photonic interferences in hybrid settings combining passive and active interactions between many modes, as a member of the research group Centre for Quantum Information and Communication at the Université Libre de Bruxelles , supervised by Professor Nicolas Cerf and Dr Leonardo Novo.
Antoine Restivo moved from Switzerland to Belgium. He worked in the AppQInfo project until September 2022.