Lennart Jehle
University of Vienna
Lennart Jehle was born in Berlin, Germany and completed his bachelor’s degree in physics under the supervision of Prof. Martin Schell at Technical University of Berlin in close cooperation with the Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institute (HHI) in spring 2018. During his thesis he investigated the influence of different substrate layers on the electrical characteristics of mono-layer graphene to path the way for graphene based integrated electro-absorption modulators.
During the first year of his master studies, he spent a semester at the physics department of the Technion in Haifa, Israel where he took interest in computational physics and multigrid algorithms. In summer 2019 he returned to the HHI but shifted his research focus to photonic integrated circuits (PICs) for quantum communication and took part in the EU project UNIQORN. In this framework, Lennart Jehle conducted his Master thesis with the title “Design and Characterisation of Photonic Integrated Circuits for Quantum Communication” under the supervision of Prof. Martin Schell and co-supervision of Tobias Heindel. In January 2021, he graduated from the physics faculty of the Technical University of Berlin.
His main interest focuses on quantum communication, where he specializes in quantum dots as single photon sources. He is also interested in a synergy of PICs based on different material platforms to form hybrid optical systems used for quantum computation and simulation tasks. Apart from his scientifical interest, he enjoys rock climbing, cycling and analogue photography.
Currently, Lennart Jehle is working on the AppQInfo project as a member of the Walther group towards the implementation of quantum dots as highly pure single photon sources into hybrid quantum optical setups. His supervisor at the University of Vienna is Prof. Philip Walther.
For his current position, Lennart Jehle moved from Berlin, Germany to Vienna, Austria.