Pietro Tassan
IBM Research
Pietro Tassan was born in Trieste, Italy. In his native city, he graduated in Materials Engineering from Università degli Studi di Trieste in 2021. Here, he acquired an eclectic knowledge by combining studies of materials science and technology together with solid-state physics and other fundamental fields of physics.
During his Master’s degree, he has taken part at the Erasmus project at the Eindhoven University of Technology where he has taken courses in the Applied Physics Department. Moreover, in Eindhoven he had the opportunity to develop his Master thesis in the Advanced Nanomaterials & Devices group, lead by Prof. Erik Bakkers. In particular, he worked on the growth and characterization of in-plane InAlSb nanowires networks, which are the most promising building blocks for the development of topological quantum computers based on Majorana’s quasiparticles.
Besides his thesis, Pietro worked at the University of Trieste on two other research projects during his Master’s degree. The former, led by Prof. Valter Sergo, was related to the characterization of Zirconia’s structures with Raman spectroscopy whereas the latter, led by Prof. Vanni Lughi, dealt with the synthesis and characterization of core/shell quantum dots. Therefore, thanks to these research experiences, he has developed a multiplexed expertise related to the optical and microscopical characterization of materials, as well as a background in the synthesis of complex nanostructures.
Currently, Pietro is working on the AppQInfo project as a member of the Quantum Photonics research group lead by Dr. Rainer Mahrt and Dr. Thilo Stöferle at IBM Research Zurich. By leveraging recent breakthroughs in perovskite nanomaterials and room-temperature exciton-polariton devices based on ladder-type polymers, Pietro is working on the implementation of polariton condensates into logic circuits. In particular, his project deals with the realization of in-plane polariton logic circuits based on silicon-on-insulator photonic structures involving design, fabrication, and characterization thereof. In his spare time, Pietro enjoys sports activities, board games, eno-gastronomic tourism and many other nice things of life.
Specialization is in Theoretical Physics. Main interest lies in the area of Quantum Information Theory, Antoine Restivo conducted thesis “Network Nonlocality: A study of Nonlocal and Non-Signalling Correlations in Multipartite Scenarios” under the supervision of Nicolas Brunner and Denis Rosset.
During his master he could work on various topics such as quantum interference fluctuations in disordered metals, gravitational waves and the Jacobson’s interpretation of general relativity before specializing in the field of quantum information theory.
In parallel of his master thesis about correlations in networks, he developed open source tools in MATLAB associated to the visualization of the solutions of linear programs and a Python package to solve marginal compatibility problems as SAT problems. With his more recent interest for complexity theory, he is also developing tools based on both classical and quantum algorithms for the computation of the permanent of a matrix and more generally a Julia library for the study of boson sampling.
Aside from quantum physics (but still related to optics), his main hobby is photography.
Currently, Antoine Restivo is working on the AppQInfo project Active and Passive Multimode Quantum Interferometry towards a better understanding of photonic interferences in hybrid settings combining passive and active interactions between many modes, as a member of the research group Centre for Quantum Information and Communication at the Université Libre de Bruxelles , supervised by Professor Nicolas Cerf and Dr Leonardo Novo.
Antoine Restivo moved from Switzerland to Belgium. He worked in the AppQInfo project until September 2022.