Valerii Kachin
University of Warsaw
Valerii Kachin Russia graduated from ITMO University, Department of Physics, Photonics an Optical Computing in 2021. Specialization is in Quantum materials. Main interest lies in the area of Topological physics, topological photonics, higher-order topological states.
Valerii Kachin conducted thesis «Investigation of higher-order topological states in C4-symmetric system realized on microwave platform» under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Maxim Gorlach.
Scientific activities during studies: ASCI internship at Aalto University – 2021
Researchers interests: Topological physics, topological photonics, higher-order topological states.
Scientific achievements: Kachin, V. I., & Gorlach, M. A. (2021). Three-dimensional higher-order topological insulator protected by cubic symmetry. Phys. Rev. Applied,16, 024032
Apart of science hobbies: Animation, design, traveling, breaking (bboying).
Currently, Kachin Valerii is working on the AppQInfo project “Applications and Hardware for Photonic Quantum Information Processing” towards application of topological physics to quantum information processing, as a member of the “QCAT” Research Group at the University of Warsaw, supervised by Prof. Magdalena Stobińska.