Zhenghao Yin
University of Vienna
Zhenghao Yin, graduated from Department of Electronic Science and Engineering at Kyoto University in 2020.
Specialization is in photonic quantum information processing. Main interest lies in the area of experimental quantum machine learning. Zhenghao Yin conducted thesis broadband frequency entangled photon pair generation using silicon nitride ring cavities under the supervision of Prof. Shigeki Takeuchi.
Scientific activities during studies: In this project, we collaborate with both theoreticians and other experimentalists to boost the quantum machine learning applications using the photonic platform. In our group, we start from the initial theoretic sketches and classical simulation of quantum system, then move to demonstration of integrate photonic circuits platform. In general, it involves photon generation, fine manipulation of photonic circuits and real-time signal feedback in our experiments.
Researchers interests: Although the classical simulation of quantum systems and the quantum algorithms processing classical data are widely investigated in the view of theories, it is still challenging but essential to complete these tasks in a real-world quantum machine. By utilizing a photonic chip, we integrate hundreds of photonic computation units and deploy quantum machine learning protocols. In this way, one is able not only to speed-up the training of classical machine learning models, but also to explore the potential to solve unprecedented physics problems.
Scientific achievements: Frequency correlated photon generation at telecom band using silicon nitride ring cavities. Zhenghao Yin, Kenta Sugiura, Hideaki Takashima, Ryo Okamoto, Feng Qiu, Shiyoshi Yokoyama, and Shigeki Takeuchi. Opt. Express 29, 4821 (2021)
Broadband generation of photon-pairs from a CMOS compatible device. Sugiura Kenta, Zhenghao Yin, Ryo Okamoto, Labao Zhang, Lin Kang, Jian Chen, Pei-heng Wu, Sai Tak Chu, Brent E. Little, Shigeki Takeuchi. Applied Physics Letters 116, 224001 (2020)
Apart of science hobbies: I am fond of cycling and swimming as physical hobbies. Besides, I love reading, especially Japanese literature.
Currently, Zhenghao Yin is working on the AppQInfo – Applications and Hardware for Photonic Quantum Information Processing project towards realization of quantum machine learning, as a member of the research group Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics and Quantum Information at University of Vienna, supervised by Professor Philip Walther.
Zhenghao Yin moved from China to Austria.