ESRs at the Conference in Oxford

The Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) at the AppQInfo Conference, held from April 17-19, 2024, at the University of Oxford, played a pivotal role in advancing the field of photonic quantum information processing. Hosted in the Beecroft Building, these young researchers delivered a series of insightful talks and engaged in vibrant discussions, showcasing their cutting-edge research and innovative ideas. Here are some key things that happened:


ESR Presentations: Across multiple sessions, the ESRs presented their latest research findings, highlighting advancements in quantum information processing. Their talks spanned various topics, contributing significantly to the conference’s intellectual richness.


Poster Session: On the final day, the ESRs participated in a poster session, where they displayed their research visually and engaged with conference attendees in in-depth discussions, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange.


Outreach and Networking: Beyond their presentations, ESRs were actively involved in outreach activities. They participated in a quantum outreach event aimed at broadening the understanding of quantum technologies among the general public. Additionally, networking events such as the Oxford walking tour and social gatherings provided opportunities for ESRs to connect with senior researchers and peers.

Overall, the Oxford Conference once again underscored the vital role of ESRs in driving the future of photonic quantum information processing, blending rigorous scientific discourse with community building and public engagement.

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