
  • ESRs at the Conference in Oxford
    The Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) at the AppQInfo Conference, held from April 17-19, 2024, at the University of Oxford, played a pivotal role in advancing the field of photonic quantum information processing. Hosted in the Beecroft Building, these young researchers delivered a series of insightful talks and engaged in vibrant discussions, showcasing their cutting-edge research… Read more: ESRs at the Conference in Oxford
  • AppQInfo ESRs spotted at IBM, Zurich
    November was a great month for our Early-Stage Researchers who met at IBM in Zurich for the Complementary Skills Training. The workshop aimed to share their research results and accomplishments of 2023 so during the first day, each ESR had a presentation about their work. Afterward, they had a chance to integrate during the Italian… Read more: AppQInfo ESRs spotted at IBM, Zurich
  • The Padova Quantum Communications School (QCOMMS) 2023
    We are glad to announce that registration to the Padova Quantum Communications School (QCOMMS) 2023 is now open: It is organized by the European Innovative Training Network ‘AppQInfo’, funded by the H2020 MSCA
  • Our excellent Early-Stage Researchers
    Please meet our excellent Early-Stage Researchers who joined the project and will work together on Photonic Quantum Information Processing. Link: Early-Stage Researchers
  • Please follow our Twitter account!
    Please feel invited to the Twitter account of the AppQInfo project! For the latest updates, job vacancies and scientific news please follow us at
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